Strategic Priority #2

Saint Mary’s will reimagine its academic portfolio and develop innovative, in-demand academic programs including undergraduate and graduate degree programs, freestanding and stackable certificates, and professional education programs that attract and serve distinctive and growing populations of students. We will enhance our offerings in health sciences, including nursing, computer and data sciences and analytics, and expand the depth and breadth of our interdisciplinary programs that speak to the big challenges and aspirations of the world. We will adopt pedagogical and co-curricular innovations based on discovery and inquiry at the graduate and undergraduate levels. We will create flexible learning environments and invest in emerging educational technologies to enhance student access and learning.
We will be updating this page with our accomplishments as we execute the Strategic plan.
2021-2024 Accomplishments
Undergraduate Curriculum Revision
Substantive progress has been made in academic program revision with the launch of undergraduate curriculum in Carnegie units and new Core Curriculum, which simplified most majors and minors. This will encourage more inter- and multidisciplinary work and is expected to improve graduation rates. Collegiate Seminar now has themed courses, and Jan Term continues its signature immersive and travel courses while now being much more accessible to first-year students. The refreshed "Engaging the World" courses feature new goals that will connect Gaels with global issues and perspectives, further preparing them for the interconnected workplace of the future.
Educational Technologies
ITS and facilities collaborated on modernizing classroom technology equipment and interactive features to prepare for an adaptive learning environment.
We welcomed the new Dean of School of Economics and Business Administration, Dr. Donald Gibson.
Updated: July, 2024